W, 2000
Scope and Contents
(Wadsworth, Wakefield City Art Gallery, Walker Art Center, Walker, Warren, Walsh, Warhol (Andy Warhol Foundation), Warwick New York, Washburn, Washington, Booker T. Washington High School, Watson Landscape Illumination, Wattis, Webb, Wellesley College, Investment portfolio for DMA by Wellesley Group, Investment Performance Analysis/DMA Retirement Fun by Wellesley Group, Werner Gallery, Werner, Westreich, Wetzel, White Cube, Whiteread, Whitney Museum of American Art, Wilcox, Williams, Wirth, Wolfe, Worcester Art Museum, WRR, Wyly, Wynnwood)
- 2000
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is unprocessed. Access may be permitted at the discretion of the archivist; contact the archives at archives@DMA.org.
Some files in this collection may contain records restricted to museum staff access; contact the archives at archives@DMA.org.
Institution-wide restriction on publicly disclosing the purchase price, appraised value, insurance value of a work of art (DMA Acquisition and Deaccession Policies and Procedures) and anonymous donor or lender information may apply to this collection. This information is only accessible to DMA staff or representatives.
From the Collection: 7.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Dallas Museum of Art Archives Repository